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hello good morning good afternoon and good evening my name is Martin Chan I'm an employee in easy bi in supportive and I will be the host today for this webinar about easy bi for conference with me today we also have son who will tell you more about analytical part and then we have three more guys who will back up who will do the back up in case you have some interesting questions so we are really happy that there there were almost 100 intrested guys who interested about this conference about this webinar and we will record this webinar and then send information where you can access it this recording and if you have some questions please use the questions and answers forum for this zoom tool to send those questions now we will try to answer them at the end of this session and if we will not be able to answer them today we will answer them on on the emails so as you some of you know we had already a chance to publish JIRA analytics in confluence pages but now we have our newborn baby we have easy bear for complaints which is a totally different different product separate application and it allows you not just publish JIRA analytics in confluence pages but also analyze confluence analytics and we will try to show you how cool is the our new product all right so who we will start with a confluence part with analytics how you can use confluence and then see what where the pageviews how many pages were created and also how you can add external data so this part will be covered by Zanna then I will show you how to publish easy be easy be our reports on confluence pages and how how can you get used to of this data that you have created in easy bi reports and I'll also tell you some news about the pricing so yeah please buckle up so this journey can start and I will give for to Zhanna you Zana we can't hear you please check the microphone you can also give me sharing space so I'm really excited to see so many of you have interests in ez bed for complaints and I will start with short overview and show what insight you can get from from easy bi so easy bi is a business intelligence tool for data analysis and visualization and if you've ever confluence is still a business intelligence tool for data analysis and visualization but it has also integration this confluence it means that you can analyze data from different systems and also from conflicts and easy bi understands the core structure of confluence and Conference phases and pages some of you may know easy bi as reporting tool for JIRA but I would say it's more than that because reporting is only the visible part the final product of analytics so how this works so you have some you have some source system complaints and maybe some other poor customer data or team member data or for sales then you can import this data into easy bi when the data are important then you in easy bi can explore those days play around build some analytics visualize them look for patterns I've build some reports using building blocks what measures numerical values and dimensions different viewpoints on date when you can come up with something meaningful something that could give some value for other team members colleagues partners and customers then you're met publishers report you might do it an easy bi or your we our customers like to see those reports in environment and they whether they are working like in the confluence for on the wall boards and sunbathing rules or maybe in some another and completely other webpage so it's your choice now I will concentrate on the first two steps today the import and how to create reports and what insight you can get from the report so when when you have installed ADB eye on confluence there will be a new section from the navigation bar is ABI and this easy bi you can create several different accounts and for each of those accounts there could be different data sources and users who work who can access it so I stay the source for each account as I mentioned could be confluence or some other external data system the confluence for the confluence is e bi can three what kind of speech spaces you can access on your confluence and will offer it is a list you can select them all or handpicked one one by one as well you can mark that you would like to analyze search queries and process events so it makes it easy bi starting from this moment will listen to search queries and page your events and collect data on those activities when and who are doing that and then click on import and then ready to go after that is e bi will create some basic building blocks from which you can build analytics the most obviously to analyze is usually failed to use who ran and what has has been used so it's kind of what interest that which part of our confluent space are the most interesting for our team members or our customers so to give you some examples what kind of analytics it can give us there is one analytic showing you when our customers or the treatment teammates are reading the documentation maybe it's it can represent when they have the patent when they have time or the pattern of their working process so for example this line shows page views over dates and we can see that it is really nice pattern of working days and weekends this would be something I would expect but we can also look on the same pattern like big babe rice and our wise to see which part of the day or confluence pages most heavily used and which day of the week this shows us some insight on our customer behavior when they are working on particular or not put particular business domain for example if your spaces are organized for different for business purposes like for sales there is one phase and for customer relations there is another space and for development tasks during another place you can analyze those data by space and see the pages and the reading pattern business domain wise so another thing that we can learn from data in imported injury CBI is the most popular pages which which pages are the content the most interesting content or most relevant content for our customers and female this allows us to keep those pages up to date another thing is as I mentioned is search queries so we can also analyze search queries for search queries I have two lists one is top search queries so we would we can get some insight but our most popular keywords and topics topics to people are like to read and the other is the search queries without results so maybe there are some keywords customers are looking for but they are not covered so there's also some space to improve our complaint space interesting side effect forces as well I was building those report and noticed that my nice pattern for pages was been different for the last 30 days and noticed that myspace page view pattern had a spike at the end of the October it's kind of abnormal so I wanted to investigate it and build a report a small report excuse me yes this was and I built report I wanted to say that there is something only from conserved regard it's only something that was related to page view activities or something more and I noticed and there's also some increase in search queries at the same day so I wanted in the gist investigate deeper what about died and I built report and put drill press or search queries so but apparently there was hackers who were trying to test our documentation space and I thought this is interesting for me as a team member who usually doesn't handle such kind of questions but now I am aware of those activities as well and yeah kind of can see other processes things in our spaces through reporting but do not worry there's no problems with hackers we have some other mechanisms out how to handle those activity so I think it's good so yeah one option what you can analyze this VCB is page views and what are patterns for our customers and team members to consume the content the other side of content is people for creating the content the authors and what are their habits and activities so you can analyze it was easy bi as well we have data on page creation page versions and when they were updated in this review for example I have given two examples one is representing a heatmap when the authors or page creators feel most creative or where they when they have the time to do it let me give it gives me some insight whether they are not working overtime or maybe when they appear more taking the world looks like it's in the middle of the week and afternoons and if I see something out of expected like I think that someone is working at the 10:00 in the evening I can still go and investigate who is this who is the one who is working so like and do you make okay I say that this some person it's our CEO apparently he doesn't have so much time on free time on hand to write everything down he would want to maybe we can work something figure something out to make his life more another is report shows me talk authors so those are most active content creators new pages and new times versions they are keeping the confluent space up-to-date and even there's some information on their last activity so from this what can I get is that most likely those peaceful has the most experience in workers complaints and as well and some particular business domain areas you can the business demand could be resembled as I mentioned through spaces and pages so I can for example work only for some pages related to confluence and see with who are the people who are working with this contact and oath for some advice if I need in this domain then is another list what comes from those page updated dates and always working them is waste of pages which are not updated for a long time so I have ordered all pages by the updated guide and I see that some of them are not a bit it for quite long time and the second isn't I wanted to see whether those pages are still popular among readers so if they are if they're still popular are not updated for a long time probably we should double check the content whether it needs some improvement but if they are not updated for a long time and there are only few readers maybe we can clean it up and get rid of the page so yes the basic the core functionality and basic functionality that they offer right now is to analyze compliant content through page views and through other activities you can enrich the information from other data sources you can add some additional information from the pages or about users in my case I wanted to know content tracer activities based on the teaming they are are so important additional data about teams to the users which allowed me to group users by teams like team property now I have grouped all users by themes and can see how they are performing as a team how many users are in the team and how many pages they have created and updated in their effort of course you can build as well some reports of thrown other data sources is out confluence and because this is something real which is the core functionality of that is intentional so I have showed you a few use cases how do kind of analyze they confluence but now Marty will show you how you can share this knowledge among your team and with your customers and partners Thank You Zanna it was a wonderful journey and we see that if we are CEOs we may be be careful what we share for your for our reports but then otherwise people can see that we are working late so what of course this is a joke and I will try to show you how to publish this information first but first I want to share that if you search by in the marketplace you would be able to find that there are three products with the name tag easy bi the first two of them are for JIRA mainly and the last one is the confluence product which is the new product we are talking about today so if you use confluence and you would like to do the analytics for confluence you would need to pick this product but there could be cases where you combine two of them in case you want to analyze JIRA as well as confluence you would need to have two products so yeah let's let's say I have a confluence cloud and I have a confluence based on this cloud and I want to have some analytics so what could what could I do I after I have installed both of these products since I'm using easy bi not just for JIRA but also for confluence I cannot create a new blank page let's call it analytics come on yep and now I'm sorry and there I will add some text here we come analytics and then I would choose a macro and if you search by easy bi you would see either two or four macros if you use easy bi for just for confluence you would see only those two two first ones if you use also easy there for JIRA you would also see two more so let's start with the easy bi for confluence so done showed you that you can create either one report or you can create a dashboard which is a combination of multiple reports so I will pick as the first example easy back for confluence dashboard so here I can see those four accounts which I can also see here I have four accounts in each of these accounts can be separate cube this one is built on sales this one is built on on confluence to analytics so I will choose the one that is in this account let me take this one yeah and I can either preview or simply insert this as a is a gadget and I can directly see my dynamic report on my confluence cloud page in the similar way I can add more macros and maybe add data built based on JIRA if that's the case we have a lot of JIRA customers so we are also adding this possibility to to publish your analytics on confluence pages so I would again pick the dashboard with the JIRA analytics and choose one of my dashboards I have created and then I have pretty much published two dashboards ok and I will publish this page oh yeah there's already one page with this new let's publish like this and what I've did I just created the page with some analytics so in a similar way it would work also for a confluence for server and you can publish not come not just confluence analytics or JIRA but you can also add another account which would be maybe sales information or other figures that you are interested in so you would just add one more macro again easy bi and then choose a for conference report pick the sales cube this time and say I want this bar chart again on my cloud page yeah here it is and this is how you publish it for for your users and then everybody who has access to this page you'll see this analytics page and can be able to analyze any any aspect that you would like to give them so yeah so the most important is that these are two separate applications if you use JIRA and confluence but you can also use just confluence that's also ok so I've shown you how to publish the the easy bi objects in in confluence pages and we also would like to express that we have reduced the cloud pricing for confluence cloud if you would search the pricing today right now you would see a little bit higher prices so we'll use them and by the end of this day you would already have the new pricing and if you use a confluence server we would stress out that it would be great that you you but you make the purchase by the end of this year because then you have the 50% discount and we will send the promo code after this webinar and I think it should be also shared in the in the chatroom or in the notes by my colleagues as we as I speak so yeah this is a pricing and then maybe we can look what was the most important things that we can take away from this webinar so remember it has a built-in integration with confluence and it gives you the possibility to analyze page views analyze some aspects from the author perspective yeah and if you use JIRA and confluence these are two separate apps that you need to to have and easy behind for confluence also supports additional external data sources like SQL REST API and CSV the I would also like to add that these are just first incremental this is first incremental of the product and we will develop this product further more and add more features and analytics in the future our new newborn baby will grow that's for sure and so if you haven't already taken the trial you can start exploring this tool and don't miss the promo code if you use it for confluence server so maybe I can join I can invite some panelists too if they saw that you have sent some questions may be honest gobies can join and until if we had some questions from from the audience and we if we can answer them as we have some time yeah I'm tell you there hi yeah yeah I'm currently already answering some of those questions publicly so these questions can be seen I believe in the Q&A section and I am on certainly answering some of them one of the questions was about the ability to see which pages are not updated for a while and whether or not they're interesting and I believe Zanna already showed that and answered that within the webinar also there was a question about archived pages and their current spaces whether or not you can analyze account spaces and as much as I know currently it is not possible possible because of some limitations so we will look into that and we will share this information when when it's available and I believe that currently we do not have access in the space import page for easy di so maybe in the future yeah and another question was about ability to analyze data for table data in the confluence page itself currently this option is also not available although we are planning to implement integrations with other apps that get can hold additional data within the conference page and probably we will see if it's possible to analyze data from tables within confluence as well so if you have any further feature requests or ideas about the data that we should or might analyze within confluence any confluence specific apps with some data that you would like to analyze please keep those comments and feedbacks coming because as you might know easy bi is actively listening to the feedback and we are building integrations and specifications and features that are most requested by our customers and has first customers you have the ability to move this needle in your direction if you like that is all for me thanks ok thank you I see that there are a couple of more questions that are still open and very likely we will answer them on the written form we will collect all of them and then publish them for all the guys who registered for this webinar since we are running out of the time and I want to say thank you all for joining and for listening as I said there will be a promo code we will share it and you have the opportunity to have the 50% discount code on conference server and for cloud reduced pricing will be available already by the end of this day so take a trial ask us questions try to find answers in community yes take this journey and have a conference and a new level I want to say again thank you for joining and we should have a have a nice day and even though wherever you are so okay thanks bye-bye

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