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在behavior中创建 Initialiser


import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor

// Get the current user
def currentUser = ComponentAccessor.getJiraAuthenticationContext().getLoggedInUser()

def issue 
def status
def user1 
def user2
if(underlyingIssue){ // If the issue key exists (NOT a CREATE screen)
    // Get the issue key
    issue = ComponentAccessor.issueManager.getIssueObject(
    // Get the issue's status
    status =

    // Get the "开发值守人"、"产品值守人"、"测试值守人"、"发布值守人" fields and the values
    def user1Field = ComponentAccessor.customFieldManager.customFieldObjects.findByName("开发值守人") 
    user1 = issue.getCustomFieldValue(user1Field)
    def user2Field = ComponentAccessor.customFieldManager.customFieldObjects.findByName("产品值守人") 
    user2 = issue.getCustomFieldValue(user2Field)

// Get the "计划开始发布时间" field by name 
def dateTimePicker = getFieldByName("计划开始发布时间")

// Set the "计划开始发布时间" field read-only for ALL screens

// Set the "计划开始发布时间" field editable only if the below conditions met:
if(getActionName() == "Create"){ // If current action is Create Screen
    dateTimePicker.setReadOnly(false) // Then set the field editable for EVERYONE

}else if (getActionName() == "产品审批通过"){ // If current action is 产品审批通过 Screen 
    if(status == "产品审批+确认上线时间"){ // AND the issue status is "产品审批+确认上线时间"
        dateTimePicker.setReadOnly(false) // Then set the field editable for EVERYONE

}else if (getActionName() == null){ // If current action is Edit Screen 
    if(status == "产品审批+确认上线时间"){ // AND the issue status is "产品审批+确认上线时间" 
        if(currentUser == user1 || currentUser == user2){ // AND the current user is value of the User Picker fields
            dateTimePicker.setReadOnly(false) // Then set the field editable
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